Sounds Unexpected: Time and Place

July 24, 2020 00:29:08
Sounds Unexpected: Time and Place
Somali Link Radio
Sounds Unexpected: Time and Place

Jul 24 2020 | 00:29:08


Show Notes

Our third episode takes a look at music inspired by the environment, featuring Tiffiny Costello, Miriam Karraker, and Christina Marie-Karr Lyon.

Sounds Unexpected Theme
Morgan Schoonover
When I was in Iceland
Tiffiny Costello
Thomas Sadler Roberts Bird Sanctuary -- October 20, 2019 -- 6PM
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:08 Welcome back to sounds unexpected. I'm your host Morgan scone. Over on this episode, electronics Is important to recognize that female and nonbinary people have been important players throughout the history of electronic music artists like Daphne Orum, Delia Derbyshire, Pauline Alverez and Genesis P orange had lasting effects on the world of electronic music. While society often dubs the terms, technology and music as male. Those who challenge these assumptions are oftentimes the artists ready to explore, disrupting any preconceived notion of how electronic music should be. Speaker 0 00:01:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:01:11 Created in 1957, the synthesizer is the most popular outcome of electronic music. They were initially valued by the experimental and avant garde scenes of the sixties. Wendy Carlos is responsible for popularizing them with her 1968 bestselling album switched on Bach, which features Bach compositions arrange for synthesizer. Our first artist is Alexandrina a musician and sound artist based in Mexico like Carlos, she has created a project called Cynthia Statia in which she explores classical music through the synthesizer. She is curious about the way sound expresses and reflects human fears. Today, we will hear Debbie C's reverie re-imagined for four synthesizers. What sounds like a delicate daydream on the piano begins to sound otherworldly imaginative. And at times dark, this highlights the interesting element of orchestration. It isn't simply what's being said, but also who is saying it and how The Synthes Asia project is supported by the artistic creation and development encouragement program in Mexico city. Here is Alex Gina's rendition of referee Speaker 0 00:02:39 <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:07:52 Jen Cutler is a multidisciplinary artist based in Ethica New York. Her series disembodied is made up of soundscapes generated by vibrations and movements. These vibrations and movements are captured with an electronic ring worn on the finger of a feminine spectrum body. While bringing themselves to orgasm the ring, transmits a set of data to a spreadsheet, which then creates a variety of MITIE files that are given synthetic voices. Jen uses pure tones, field recordings and granular synthesis to create long drones, complex harmonies and dynamic Tambre shifts. Her work explores the separation between the feminine and neutral hypersexualization and desexualization and intuitive versus physical disembodied is the first step in a series of desexualization experiments, seeking to discover the amount of separation required to de a feminine spectrum body. Today, we'll hear two tracks from this series here, R L Barnes and Quintin, Anna <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:09:38 <inaudible>, uh, <inaudible> uh, <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:15:13 Casio pay us derm is a composer sound artist and computer musician based in Los Angeles, California. Her work focuses on understanding invention and technological augmentation. She is inspired by the DIY hobby science and engineering community. Specifically the types of nonsense and surrealism that can emerge from homemade technologies. Today, we'll be hearing from her homemade memory synthesizer called the, the controls, uh, bank of Casio pay as field recordings from the last decade music for the is a series in which each piece focuses on a specific memory details vary with each performance, but the overall form remains the same. Here is Marfa spaceship Speaker 0 00:16:07 <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:28:46 Sounds unexpected is made possible by K F a I in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to connect with the artists and get updates on the show. Follow us on Instagram at sounds dot unexpected. You can learn more about both the show and the [email protected].

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